Sanctuary chords lyrics
Sanctuary chords lyrics

Already known for their raw musical nature, the Supersuckers are expected at the Rhythm Room this weekend, and their members are as ready as ever to tear up a room with cranked, heavy songs. The Rhythm Room, 1019 East Indian School Road Formed in Tucson in 1988, the Supersuckers have been delighting listeners for more than three decades with all but one longer of fiery rock ‘n’ roll melodies fused with country punk and gritty guitar riffs Break in the late 2000s. Benjamin Ledermanįrank Schwichtenberg/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons The super suckers Because that’s how he rolls on his birthday. Also performing is the Bourbon Witch, a supergroup of local rock musicians with Birmingham singing lead vocals and causing a stir while sporting green face paint and a devil’s pitchfork. Birmingham turns 55 this weekend, and while he has mixed feelings about aging (“I’m almost a senior now, which blows my mind,” he says), he’s celebrating the occasion by supporting local indie acts Wyves, No Volcano, and The Breakup Society for a big blowout. Meet the longtime bartender and promoter during one of his shifts behind the counter at Yucca, and he’ll be happy to fill your ears with tales of his favorite Valley bands (past or present) as he fills your glass. Yucca Tap Room, 29 West Southern Avenue, TempeRob “Fun Bobby” Birmingham is the cool uncle, the elder statesman, and the biggest booster of the Phoenix music community. Rob Birmingham, better known to locals as “Fun Bobby”. With Prince Daddy and the Hyena 8 p.m., $40/$42 via. All these years later they still don’t want to be like you that makes the difference. Descendents may be older and wiser, but they haven’t forgotten the bratty defiance that makes their work so invigorating. Like the Ramones and Motörhead before them, Descendents have found a sound that doesn’t need to evolve because it’s fully formed and compelling no matter what year you drop it. Aukerman’s voice sounds a little more polished over time, but the guitars still hum like caffeinated hornets and Bill Stevenson’s youthful caveman beats still throb with unerring precision. & walnutit’s striking how much they still sound like the snotty-nosed brats who gave birth Milo goes to college in 1982. The song (and album of the same name) feels like a motto that California punk godfathers The Descendents have lived up to over 45 years of playing three-chord wonders. The Van Buren, 401 West Van Buren Street “If growing up means being like you, then I don’t want to be like you,” sneered Milo Aukerman in 1985’s I Don’t Want To Grow Up.

Sanctuary chords lyrics